Wednesday, August 20, 2014

GenCon Part 2.... the FIND...

upon wandering the halls of GENCON trying to find goodies to come home with...  I stumbled... or rather... staggered into the Cool Mini Or Not booth. Looking around at all the zombicide product, I noticed several brown boxes that read "promo" on them.  I was told that if I bought $25 worth of product, I could get one promo miniature.  Since I had everything... wait.. not I didn't.  I was still missing Claudia and Ivy from Season one...

I asked if they had them...  They said, "We have these" and handed me a pile of cards.  Season 2 promos from kickstarter... and tucked in the middle.... Ivy and Claudia...  

You could not have seen a person plunk down $50 faster...  but since I I have everything... I didn't get more zombies, or another box set...  I just picked up the paints... perhaps I can start painting them.  Dunno.   but here's the pic of the last two promos I needed.  NOW I have everything  (that's been released)


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Gencon Part 1

This past weekend I went to GENCON.  a fun time, have not been there since 2007.  Here are some snapshots for your viewing...

The throng of people waiting to get in just one of the doors to the exhibit hall.

A small view of the exhibit hall.  this place stretched for a very long distance.  Over 28 rows of vendors, art, authors, etc.

Couple of statues in the D&D area.

A Drow Scouting party...  After the pic I rolled initiative and wiped them all out.

Lord Soth.  'Nuff said.

Enlarge the picture.  Look at her glowing eyes.  GLOWING.