Saturday, February 2, 2019

1 1/2 years in the making...

     It has been a really long time since I last updated.  Life has changed so much since my last update.  New games came out, new planes for Wings of Glory, new D&D projects to work on.  On a personal note, my home life has changed.  My wife passed after a 5 year struggle with ALS.  one of, if not the worst disease to ever be.  I now am alone with my son trying to live life to it's fullest.   Things have changed around the world.  What was once acceptable isn't anymore.  Blogs might even be a thing of the past, now with more and more people taking to twitch and youtube to give their thoughts. 

     On a side note, I have been working on restarting my campaign world of Valla Moor.  This time with a new group of people.  We are not at the level of Matt mercer and his Critical Role group.  But we all can strive to be better DMs because of his influence.  As a DM, I've always enjoyed putting together adventures and plotting the demise of my players, only to have the well laid plans of a villain be thwarted and the villain stopped. 

To anyone out there still reading blogs and actually reading this one, I say to you...  Roll for Initiative Monkey Boy!