I ordered this on Monday, it showed on Wednesday! Groovy...
Oh Smashing, groovy, yay capitalism!
Even though I've not played in quite a while, I really like the game. I've got everything, thanks to a little gencon visit!
Here's the unboxing:
Shall we shag now, or shall we shag later? How do you like to do it? Do you like to wash up first? You know, top and tails... whore's bath? personally, before I'm on the job, I like to give my undercarriage and bit of "how's your father"!
And then you have Austin's Closeup....
Do I make you Horny? Randy? Do I make you horny baby, yeah, do I?
And a closeup of his stats, both versions.
You see, I was looking for Dr. Evil when the Fembots came out and smoke started coming out of their jomblies, so I started to work my mojo to counter their mojo, we got cross-mojulation and their heads started exploding.
Reaper: Melee must be his ability to use his Mojo to stop a room...
I shagged her rotten baby, yeah!
Oh yea. pretty awesome. Can't wait to try him out in a crowded room of zombies! But until then:
upon wandering the halls of GENCON trying to find goodies to come home with... I stumbled... or rather... staggered into the Cool Mini Or Not booth. Looking around at all the zombicide product, I noticed several brown boxes that read "promo" on them. I was told that if I bought $25 worth of product, I could get one promo miniature. Since I had everything... wait.. not I didn't. I was still missing Claudia and Ivy from Season one...
I asked if they had them... They said, "We have these" and handed me a pile of cards. Season 2 promos from kickstarter... and tucked in the middle.... Ivy and Claudia...
You could not have seen a person plunk down $50 faster... but since I I have everything... I didn't get more zombies, or another box set... I just picked up the paints... perhaps I can start painting them. Dunno. but here's the pic of the last two promos I needed. NOW I have everything (that's been released)
A fellow member and Wings Of Glory enthusiast of http://www.wingsofwar.org/ PrivateBuzz has graciously offered to help with finishing the coastal map of mine. He should be able to make some good water. that was the last stumbling block of the map before I could release it.
It took me a bit to get the section needed put up online, and then over to him to work on. I think it just might work to get this map out before Christmas...
Ity kicked off at 3PM. At 3:08 PM, not only was it already successful, but over 800 people had already kickstarted it! As of this writing its got 2,589 backers and $372,879...
If you have been following along, you may notice that I posted about series 5 here. and series 6... well, I missed something. Somehow, I picked up Series 6, but not all of it. I am missing two planes. Thankfully, they have been ordered and are on thier way to the front lines as we speak.
So without further ado... here is Series 7. I'll take a shot of 6 when it's all together.
it's a good set. lots of new planes. My WWI collection continues to grow. I may not play the game much anymore, but still love picking up the minis for the collection.
Yes, tonight will be Zombicide gaming night... complete with this...
Hot diggity. my collection is nearing completions. Still missing two figures from Season 1. Ivy and Claudia. Oh and I guess I'm also missing the French only survivor, Mr Phal, and the new scenario survivor, Audrey, oh, and gaming night 2 and 3's survivors, Thiago and Bill respectivly.
Of this fully Armed and Operational Battlestation!
These are pieces I received from JR Minis. These are the Battlestation Turret and Tower. I have 6 turrets (small ones) and two of the tower. They came out with their Kickstater campaign held last month. Eventually, they should sell them on their website here: JR Minis
It's been a while since I posted to the blog about much of anything. I've had issues to deal with since my wife was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's. Tough times ahead but that is besides the point. I didn't want this blog to become about "personal stuff"...
But, a much happier note has appeared on the horizon! Wave 2 of Zombicide Season 2 is in transit! WOOT! I had totally forgotten that this was coming!
I will have 54 official survivors (give or take a couple) when this arrives. this wave for me is chock full of new survivors and their zombie counterparts! SKWEEEEEEEEE!!!
Since things at home have put a damper on my map making (issues I can't discuss as they are of a personal nature), Here is today's Snoopy from the paper...