Thursday, November 15, 2012

The early years...

Gaming was fun, playing on the old Atari 2600.  But my foray into real tabletop gaming came from my good friend Dave Geer.  He introduced me to a game called Top Secret.  A James Bond type Role Playing game.  After that, he introduced me to Dungeons And Dragons.  Naysayers abound, but it is NOT devil worship, not an entry way into damnation, etc. Etc.  This was during the height of religion trying to ban the game in all its forms.

It fueled imagination, an outlet for my overactive brain.  I stepped into the Dungeon Masters role, preferring it to playing, since I got to control the fates of the players.  They hung on my every word, waiting for the hammer to fall, for me to say, Roll For Initiative Monkey Boy...

I remember the tile a player who fancied himself a "rules lawyer" got bit my my sting.  The party was in a 5 foot wide hallway.  Just enough room to stand in, let alone try to swing a weapon.  He was at the back of the line, with the only weapon that could hurt a Clay Golem.  The guy in the front was holding his own, but not hurting the golem.  The guy was infuriated when I told him he could not just jump tot the front of the line, it would take him several rounds to pushing his way through to get there.

Well, he finally got there and was ready for combat.  We rolled initiative and the golem won.  Now here is where I must tell you that I was a first time DM.  My mentor Dave, sat behind me watching and providing insight when needed.  I rolled the attacks for the golem.  That's when I cringed.... and so did Dave.   I had one Natural 20 sitting there.  I rolled on the critical hit table.  I cringed again.   Triple damage to roll.   I rolled.   My jaw hit the floor... so did Dave.  The dice are a horrible mistress...

I spoke what happened:  The golem swings and misses, for his second swing, he uppercuts and lands the blow.   You are taken off your feet and fly above everyone's head to the back of the line where you hit the wall at the corner and are imbedded, your bloody pulp of a body oozing down the wall.  Take 72 points of damage.

He only had 32 total.

Yes, I felt sorry for him, and had made allowances for the death of his character.  Unfortunately he ripped his character sheet up there on the spot...

Oh yea, I found my game. Fun, imaginative, and I could control the fates of everyone around me.   Muhahahahahahahahaha...


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